Hormone Balance

How Does Light Therapy Affect Our Hormone Levels?
The way hormone-producing tissue responds to light waves is something scientists have been researching deeply for some time now. They've discovered that light has a profound effect on the secretions of many of the most important glands, such as the pineal gland and thyroid gland, just to name a few. Important hormones that have been found to be "boosted" by PBM include serotonin, melatonin, thyroid hormones, and several sex hormones in both men and women.
How Does this Benefit my Overall Health?
As one can see, by improving the function of these essential glands, a more holistic health will inevitably be achieved. A clear example can be shown in men who show low testosterone levels for reasons that may be out of their control. Low testosterone levels can have many negative side effects in a man's life such as moodiness, fatigue, and more.
In women, important female hormones such as progesterone and estradiol, which are both incredibly important during pregnancy, can be improved through PBM due to the stimulation of the cells responsible for their production.
What Science is Telling Us
"These results suggest that alpha 2u-globulin possibly stimulates the male gonad by inducing pituitary gonadotropins" Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24592797
"Researchers found the body levels of luteinizing hormone grew by 69.5 percent in the men while they were exposed to the high levels of light." Source: https://consumer.healthday.com/women-s-health-information-34/female-hormones-health-news-388/light-therapy-may-boost-hormone-levels-512866.html